Training Workshops

WORKSHOPS - FOR TEACHERS, NON-TEACHING STAFF & PARENTS Cost: 400,000 UGX per item Duration -Full day

  1. Emotional literacy training
  2. Self- awareness training
  3. Effective communication skills training
  4. Self-esteem development
  5. Customer care service training
  6. Mental health & well- being of children
  7. Exam setting, marking and assessment tools training
  8. Time management and punctuality
  9. Human rights/Children’s rights
  10. Developing public speaking skills in children/Debating
  11. Classroom management without using rules and punishments
  12. Classroom do’s & don’ts
  13. School Sanitation management training
  14. Training non-teaching staff how to manage students in the dormitories and on the compound without violence.
  15. Management of learners with poor academic performance without beating or giving them corporal punishments
  16. Financial literacy training
  17. Sex education training 
  18. Management of indiscipline students without beating or giving them corporal punishments and suspensions.
  19. Child protection policy training
  20. Attitude and emotion management
  21. How to carryout meaningful coaching of learners

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Kampala Uganda

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